Herbal Plants and their Applications in Cosmeceuticals
The aim of this book is to provide a solid platform for researchers, academicians, students, physicians, traditional medical practitioners, farmers, manufacturers and exporters of herbal products and marketing consultants from all over the world. Entire information has been compiled and presented in this book in a simple manner to serve the basic concept to the readers.This text covers the topics in five chapters, viz. Introduction herbal plants and cosmetics in Indian market; External parts of human body and their different complications; Antioxidants, antiseptics and preservotives: Introduction of topical cosmetics and their evaluations; and Individual herbs with their details in cosmetics formulations.
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Access Type |
Premium |
Publisher |
Publication Year |
2023 |
Publication Type |
Textbooks |
'9789388178075 |
Publication Category |
CBSPD Medical Collection |
Publication Subject |
Medical |
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