Basic and Applied Sociology for Nurses, Third edition
The third edition of Basic and Applied Sociology for Nurses is developed based on the revised curriculum of Indian Nursing Council (INC) for undergraduate nurses. This edition focuses on all aspects of sociology and health. It provides a comprehensive overview of the sociological concepts and theories that are relevant to nursing practice.
Fundamentals of Nursing, 2 Vol Set South Asian Edition
Often accepted as one of the best books in nursing foundation, Taylor's Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Patient-Centered Care offers everything you need to master your knowledge and skills in the subject. The South Asian Edition has aimed to keep the essence of the original book and continues to be an easy-to-read text, rich with student friendly features that help students develop the knowledge and clinical skills to succeed in their nursing education.
Basic and Applied Sociology for Nurses, Third edition
Boyd's Textbook makes pathology easy to understand and interesting to learn through its unique and inimitable style of presentation. This is a friendly and standard text that has served the needs of many generations of students and faculties across many countries. The Tenth Edition retains the original style and flavour of Boyd while presenting a contemporary and updated exposition of pathology.
This book, Principles and Practice of Nursing Management and Administration, gives a comprehensive approach to the foundation of nursing management and can be treated as the framework of nursing service management. It explains the concept of nursing, its role in the health care system, and issues related to nursing management and administration. This book comprised of 11 sections that mainly focus on nursing as a profession: framework for management, introduction to nursing management and health care delivery system, planning process, fundamentals of organization, planning and organizing hospital nursing and ancillary services, human resource management and staffing, directing and leading, organizational behavior and human relations, material management, controlling, fiscal management, and nursing informatics. The book is made user-friendly by using different levels of headings, subheadings, and italicized words to help the users to have in-depth study of subject and quickly revising by adding ?Chapter Highlights? and scope for self-assessment by adding Review Questions of essay type, Short answered, and MCQs at the end of each chapter, that makes the book truly user-friendly. In short, the revised edition is a comprehensive text of Principles and Practice of Nursing Administration and Management meant primarily for students undergoing graduate and postgraduate nursing courses, but also to practice nurses working in hospitals, community, and teaching nursing institutes at all levels.
The aim of this book is to focus on the management of Nursing services and education. This book provides comprehensive coverage of all the essential components, processes and techniques that help student nurses acquire the skills needed for Multitasking roles such as nurse manager, nurse administrator and nurse educator. This book consists of 15 chapters that focus on introduction to management in nursing, planning, organizing, staffing, human resource management, budgeting, directing, controlling, management of nursing services in the hospital and community, organizational behavior and human relations, staff development, management of nursing educational institutions, nursing as a profession, legal aspects of nursing, and professional advancement. This book is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to practice in the area of management and nursing services and education. It has been written in accordance with the needs of existing curriculum prescribed for the nursing courses at degree level. The information provided is based on establishment knowledge and practices. Every attempt has been made to maintain simplicity and lucidity of language and style.
The objective of this textbook is to introduce Nursing Education. This book will serve as an ideal textbook for both teachers and students. A sincere effort is made to cover the present syllabus framed by Indian Nursing Council (INC) and varied universities for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing programs. This book consists of 13 chapters that focus on education, development and patterns of nursing education, teaching and learning process, methods of teaching, curriculum, audio-visual aids (instructional media), evaluation, guidance and counseling, teacher education programs in india, standardized test, continuing education, administration of nursing curriculum, and management of nursing educational institutions. At the end of each chapter, review questions of universities given to facilitate the students to concentrate in exam preparation. Vigorous efforts have been made to acquire knowledge and skills for professional excellence and to make teaching a lovable profession. Lucid and simple language is used which makes it easy for the student to understand and comprehend the subject. The core content is drawn from authentic sources and the first edition.
The aim of this book is to focus on Essentials of Applied Microbiology for Nurses Including Infection Control and Safety. Book has been thoroughly framed as per revised Indian Nursing Council Curriculum for BSc Nursing. This book is divided into two parts following applied microbiology and infection control including safety. Applied Microbiology Part comprises of sections such as general microbiology, immunology, bacterial infections, viral infections, parasitic infections, and fungal infections. The general microbiology section is meticulously structured with the inclusion of general bacteriology, general virology, general parasitology, and general mycology chapters. General bacteriology is reorganized into a single chapter with several sub-chapters. The immunology section covers topics such as immunity, components of the immune system, immune response, antigen, antibody and complement, antigen-antibody reaction, hypersensitivity reactions and immunoprophylaxis, and national immunization schedule. Virology section covers topics such as DNA viral infections like Herpes and others, and RNA viral infections such as Myxoviruses, rubella, coronaviruses, arboviruses, rabies, polio, HIV, hepatitis viruses, Ebola, viral gastroenteritis, oncogenic viruses, and others. The Mycology section covers topics such as superficial mycoses, subcutaneous mycoses, systemic (deep) mycoses, and opportunistic fungal infections. Infection control section comprises of topics such as healthcare-associated infections (HAI), standard precautions including hand hygiene and PPE, transmission-based precautions, major HAI types, HAI surveillance, and infection control committee, sterilization and disinfection (Including CSSD), biomedical waste management, needle stick injury, environmental surveillance, and laundry management. Simple and lucid language of the text makes the book easy to understand.
The book covers the basic principles of sociology with due reference to nursing. A comprehensive book compiled to meet the requirement as per the latest INC syllabus for undergraduate nursing students. The textbook has been organized into 7 chapters. Chapter 1 deals with definition, nature and scope of sociology. Focuses on significance of sociology for nurses. Chapter 2 covers topics on concept of society, community, association and institution. It also includes social groups, social processes, socialization and social change. This chapter ends with health problems in urban, rural and tribal communities. Chapter 3 focuses on evolution of culture, cultural diversity, transcultural society, transcultural nursing, modernization and its impact on health and disease. Chapter 4 provides a broader view on characteristics, types and functions of family and marriage. It also describes legislation on Indian marriage and family. This chapter ends with the influence of marriage and family on health practices and the role of a nurse. Chapter 5 is devoted to social stratification: caste and class system. It also deals with the influence of class, caste and race system on health. Chapter 6 provides an overview on social organization, social system, social control and major social problems and role of nurse in its reduction. Chapter 7 explains clinical sociology and its application in hospital and community. This edition of Applied Sociology for Nurses will not only prove to be a good teaching material for the instructor and provide ample opportunity for the intelligent nurse to conceptualize her role in the day-to-day learning and practice.
Today, nurses are challenged to take part in the healthcare delivery systems that are being delivered at all levels in urban and rural communities through a planned healthcare system. This new edition upholds the latest syllabus and regulations for Diploma, UG-PG and even for Medicos by the Medical and Nursing Council of India. The whole book is updated according to the current concepts of community health nursing. This book contains 39 chapters. Major changes have been incorporated in MCH, concepts of community health nursing, biomedical waste management, Millennium Development Goals and Sustainable Development Goals, National Immunization Schedule, inclusion of two new chapters management information system, methods of presenting data and levels of prevention with suitable examples, charts and diagrams. The text has been revised and recomposed into new chapters and topics, accompanied with the ?role of nurses in various programmes? that are clear and easy-to-read with more diagrams and practical. This book is not just theory-oriented but also deals with all the aspects of practical knowledge.
The purpose of this book Essentials of Pediatric Nursing is to provide comprehensive, easy to understand and unambiguous material to the students as per the syllabus given by Indian Nursing Council (INC). The latest edition now provides detailed elaboration of basics and pathophysiology in several chapters which will enable readers to have greater clarity of concepts. The Chapter Outline in the beginning and the Glossary at the end will help the nursing students to familiarize themselves with the chapter content and various terminologies to plan their learning activities. The book includes 34 chapters which cover detailed clinical evaluation of children, normal growth and development in different age groups right from neonatal to adolescent period, health promotion including preventive pediatrics, deviation from normal pattern, and different disease conditions affecting the children and their management. In addition, pediatric nursing procedures and integrated management of neonatal and childhood illnesses (IMNCI) have been described in depth. Nursing care of the children affected with various medical and surgical disease conditions using nursing care plans are incorporated wherever needed. All pictures are available in color. Each chapter has a list of important questions as well as multiple choice questions (MCQs) at the end which will enable the students to recapitulate important concepts as well as guide them for the preparation of examinations.
The objective of this textbook is to introduce pathology and genetics for nurses. Pathology is a rapidly expanding and ever-changing field and lays the foundation for understanding diseases. This book is an endeavor to present the vast knowledge of pathology in a lucid manner for the second-year nursing students. This edition consists of 37 chapters in 4 sections. Section 1 consists of general pathology and provides an overview of the basic pathological mechanisms underlying diseases including inflammation, tissue repair, hemodynamic disorders, fluid and electrolyte disturbances and neoplasia. Two new chapters have been added to this edition namely infectious diseases and nutritional disorders. This is mainly because it is necessary to know some of the common infectious diseases and nutritional disorders by nursing students and included in the curriculum of a few universities. Section 2 deals with systemic pathology with chapters devoted to diseases of various organ systems including cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, liver, biliary tract, pancreas, kidney, male and female genital tract, bones, and central nervous system. Revision of these chapters are done wherever necessary. Section 3 discusses the important laboratory tests and their interpretation in patients under the heading of clinical pathology. In Chapter 19, a brief information is provided about anemia so that nursing students have the basic knowledge of the same. Section 4 introduces genetics with special emphasis on patterns of inheritance, chromosomal alterations, genetic testing, and services related to genetics. Text is enhanced by 193 illustrations, 66 tables, 61 boxes, 18 gross photographs of specimens and instruments, and 4 microphotographs for easy understanding of the subject. A glossary of terms has also been included for ready reference.
Mental health is defined as a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder. It is the psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of emotional and behavioral adjustment. Psychiatric nursing is the specialty of nursing that cares for people of all ages with mental illness or mental distress, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression or dementia. The fourth edition of ?A Guide to Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing? consists of 15 chapters. This book is well written and structured so that it is straight-forward for the reader to make sense of the complex but essential aspects of psychiatric nursing. The breadth and depth of information presented is ample and well expressed thus encouraging a practical approach to psychiatric nursing. Various topics in chapter 1 such as evolution of mental health services and treatment, development of modern psychiatric nursing, prevalence and incidence of mental disorders have been revised and updated so as to keep the student nurse abreast of the latest happenings. New topics such as Mental Health Care Act 2013, Mental Health Policy 2014, DSMV, developments in National Mental Health and District Mental Health Programs have been introduced. The contents in some of the chapters such as therapeutic communication and nurse-patient relationship, nursing management of patients with substance abuse disorder, psychiatric emergencies and crisis intervention, legal issues in mental health nursing and community mental health nursing have been reorganized for better comprehension. The other chapters were left untouched as they well suited the requirements of the readers. MCQs covering the whole topic have been included at the end of each chapter.
The aim of Textbook of Nursing Management in Service and Education is to provide simple systematic textbook on nursing management in service and education for GNM, undergraduate and postgraduate students. This book contains eight chapters. This book covers the introduction to management in nursing, management process, management of nursing service in the hospital and community, organizational behaviour and human relations, in-service education, management of nursing educational institution, nursing as a profession and professional advancement. Management is also ?process? in the sense that the work of a manager is performed by taking different steps in proper sequence. Organization is a group of people working together cooperatively under authority toward achieving goals and objectives that mutually benefit the participants and the organization. This book is updated and is based on Indian Nursing Council syllabus which is specially organized for BSc nursing students, and it can be used as a reference book for MSc nursing students also.