Economics of Agricultural Commodities Spice and Medicinal Plants
The information available on the economic aspects of various agricultural commodities is quite meagre and also very widely scattered. It is difficult at present to pick up a specific publication which supplies relevant information comprehensively for the students, agricultural economists, administrators, policy planners as well as all those involved in production, raising resources, trade and industry concerned with agricultural products. This series entitled Economics of Agricultural Commodities aims to fill this gap and provide complete, well researched and comprehensively compiled information. The study covers different topics in 8 volumes as follows: 1. Spices and Medicinal Plants 2. Fruits and Nuts 3. Vegetables and Floriculture 4. Foodgrains 5. Fibers 6. Oilseeds 7. Plantation Crops?Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Sugarcane, Tobacco 8. History and Development of Agriculture and Forestry This volume broadly covers all major spices and medicinal plants. Although the list is long, 48 spices and 47 medicinal plants have been described, giving historical background, varieties, culinary properties and uses, medicinal/therapeutical properties and uses, production systems, statistical data relating to area and production, and yield in India as compared to other countries. The data collected, compiled and evaluated is based on the information provided by different sources like Spices Board, various commodity boards. Directorate of Economics and Statistics in the Ministry of Agriculture, Horticulture Board of India, FAO, USDA, etc. This volume aims to serve as a comprehensive compilation and a storehouse of information for the students, researchers, agricultural economists and all those who require this information for development of entrepreneurship and utilization of the natural resources for the benefit of the country. PC Bansil phD heads the Techno Economic Research Institute, New Delhi, founded by him in 1984. He belongs to the first batch of Indian Economic Service and has worked with the FAO for about 15 years in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Rome, Zambia and Libya. He has written 34 books, besides a large number of reports and papers prepared for various governments. He has published over 400 papers in specialized technical journals. His work experience relates to the formulation, implementation and evaluation, and regional plans for agriculture, statistics, marketing, livestock, irrigation, fisheries, forestry, wildlife, national parks, tourism, agro-industries and social sectors like demography, health, education and housing, etc. as well as project identification, formulation and evaluation in these fields. During his FAO assignments in Sri Lanka, Zambia and Libya as Senior Planning Advisor, he undertook microlevel studies on the improvement of rural marketing. He was appointed by the Planning Commission as Chairman of the Tenth Plan Working Group on Animal Husbandry Economics and Statistics. He has completed the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations sponsored study ?Livestock in India 2000?2030?.
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Access Type |
Premium |
Publisher |
Publication Year |
2023 |
Publication Type |
Textbooks |
'9789386310200 |
Publication Category |
CBSPD Medical Collection |
Publication Subject |
Alternative Medicine |
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