Health Education and Community Pharmacy
CBS Confident Pharmacy Series Health Education and Community Pharmacy, 3/e For First Year Diploma in Pharmacy(0805) Strictly Based on Syllabus as per ER 1991. The third edition of the now popular and successful book includes Board Question Papers 2010 to 2017.The book is written,presented and published to meet the requirements of students of diploma in pharmacy (D Pharm) in accordance with the new revised syllabus under ER 1991 of Pharmacy Council of India. Written in a lucid and simple language, it attempts to demystify and simplify the basic concepts for the students of pharmacy for proper understanding of the subject and to get a sure success in the state board examinations.
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Access Type |
Premium |
Publisher |
Publication Year |
2023 |
Publication Type |
Textbooks |
'9789389185621 |
Publication Category |
CBSPD Medical Collection |
Publication Subject |
Pharmacy |
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