Industrial Pharmacy, 4e
Industrial Pharmacy, 4e, For more than 40 years and throughout its three editions this popular book has remained the ?gold standard? text and reference source in industrial pharmacy covering allaspects ranging from pharmaceutical processing, dosage forms design and product processing through manufacturing processes to facility design and management, packaging, evaluation, quality control and regulation. This is the thoroughly revised and updated edition, completely rewritten to keep pace with the changes in pharmacy curricula, keeping its distinction in the field of industrial pharmacy. By presenting the topics in layers, from basic to in-depth discussion, the text enables easy conception of A to Z of product development. In addition to the new chapters, this edition retains the flavour and essence of all the previous editions. Wherever necessary chapters have been made concise so as to focus on imperative topics taught in industrial pharmacy and to make the material more accessible to students. The multi-author approach provides contemporary concepts and the knowledge from various experts necessary for dealing with the manifold aspects of modern industrial pharmacy. Important Features A balanced and contemporary view of field, with renowned editors, section editors and contributing authors drawn from different academic institutes and industries. Six new chapters including ? evaporation and distillation ? pharmaceutical utility ? dissolution ? pharmaceutical excipients and polymers ? novel drug delivery systems and ? targeted drug delivery systems. Completely rewritten chapters present up-to-date information in a rational and systematic mode embodying salient details and illustrative examples. Appendix includes web addresses of regulatory bodies, solvent miscibility table, limits of residual solvent and buffer compositions useful for researchers.
Publication Language |
English |
Publication Access Type |
Premium |
Publisher |
Publication Year |
2023 |
Publication Type |
Textbooks |
'9788123927541 |
Publication Category |
CBSPD Medical Collection |
Publication Subject |
Pharmacy |
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